Our Markets Served

NIS provides inspection services and equipment to a variety of industries. With a wide range of experiences to draw from, NIS is prepared to meet the particular challenges that face each of our different customers in their industry. Contact NIS for more information on how NIS serves your industry. Some of our customers include:

Powertrain, Stamping & Assembly Plants

Plants are by nature full of equipment for lifting, moving and assembling various products. NIS serves this industry by providing frequent inspections to ensure that equipment continues to function properly, as well as by offering hoists and lifters to perform some of the difficult daily work in the plant. We’ve become experts at asset management and maintenance within some of the largest manufacturing facilities in the world.

Utilities & Power Plants

The quality and performance of equipment in the utility and power plant industries is extremely important. NIS helps to keep power and other essential utilities going out into the world by supporting the facilities that generate them. From quality inspection and preventative maintenance to supplying new hoists, lifters, chains or safety equipment, NIS helps keep utilities and power plants going.

Conveyor & Tool Companies

Conveyor and tool companies that supply the automotive industry have to work at peak efficiency to ensure customer satisfaction. At NIS, we help these manufacturing companies to keep equipment operating as long as possible with as little down time as possible. Our inspection services can occur on-site in many cases – saving our customers valuable time while ensuring that their operations continue to function properly.

Waste Management

Waste Management involves a lot of transportation, which in turn requires a lot of lifting, hoisting, binding and safety equipment. NIS serves the waste management industry by providing new or refurbished equipment to help with moving waste from place to place efficiently and safely.

Construction – Wind Farms & Road

The construction industry has many applications for our hoists, lifters, slings, chains and other products. Wind farms and road construction companies have found our services and equipment especially helpful, but NIS can serve many other types of construction companies. Contact NIS for more information on how you can benefit from NIS products or services.

Railroad Carriers

Transporting goods via railroad is a lift-heavy industry. NIS offers hoists and lifters that are stable and reliable for all of your lifting needs. NIS also can be your source for binding chains and tow-chains. All NIS equipment is built to the appropriate quality standards, and NIS offers periodic inspections to check for wear and tear on equipment.


Keep your cargo from slipping during transport with NIS chains and other binding products. Contact NIS for more information on what products could best serve your particular needs (load capacity, material requirements etc.).


A lot goes into building an aircraft – from manufacturing and assembly to painting and design. NIS can help facilitate the process at all levels with a variety of lifting equipment, slings, chains and more. If new equipment isn’t necessary, NIS also offers quality inspection service to ensure the proper function of existing equipment.